_ プレプリント確認状況:arXiv:math 1月17日分まで、arXiv:quant-ph 5月31日分まで、IACR ePrint:2012/147まで
_ 気になった論文:Somewhat Practical Fully Homomorphic Encryption
(Junfeng Fan and Frederik Vercauteren, IACR ePrint 2012/144)
In this paper we port Brakerski's fully homomorphic scheme based on the Learning With Errors (LWE) problem to the ring-LWE setting. We introduce two optimised versions of relinearisation that not only result in a smaller relinearisation key, but also faster computations. We provide a detailed, but simple analysis of the various homomorphic operations, such as multiplication, relinearisation and bootstrapping, and derive tight worst case bounds on the noise caused by these operations. The analysis of the bootstrapping step is greatly simplified by using a modulus switching trick. Finally, we derive concrete parameters for which the scheme provides a given level of security and becomes fully homomorphic.
somewhat practicalと(タイトルで)言っているけれどもどのくらい効率化されたのだろうか。