_ (6/2記:某勉強会。とても盛況で何より。その席上、某氏から以前の私たちの結果についての問い合わせを受けたのだけど、やっぱり何度説明してもあの結果は直観的に説明し辛いなぁと改めて感じた。)
_ 今日、Twitterで「○○幾何」という形の数学の分野名を列挙して遊んでいる人たちを見掛けて、それでふと思ったのだけど、「○○幾何」という順番に名前が繋がった分野名は多数あるのに「幾何○○」という順番の分野名はあまり見掛けない気がする。代数と解析と幾何の三本柱から二つ選んで分野名を作るときも「代数解析」「代数幾何」「解析幾何」の並びで、綺麗に「代数→解析→幾何」という順序に固定されているし、この辺りの分野名に関する感覚の背後には何が潜んでいるのだろう。
_ プレプリント確認状況:arXiv:math 2月23日分まで、IACR ePrint 2012/314まで
_ 気になった論文:A mathematical problem for security analysis of hash functions and pseudorandom generators
(Koji Nuida and Takuro Abe and Shizuo Kaji and Toshiaki Maeno and Yasuhide Numata, IACR ePrint 2012/310)
In this paper, we specify a class of mathematical problems, which we refer to as ``Function Density Problems'' (FDPs, in short), and point out novel connections of FDPs to the following two cryptographic topics; theoretical security evaluations of keyless hash functions (such as SHA-1), and constructions of provably secure pseudorandom generators (PRGs) with some enhanced security property introduced by Dubrov and Ishai [STOC 2006]. Our argument aims at proposing new theoretical frameworks for these topics (especially for the former) based on FDPs, rather than providing some concrete and practical results on the topics. We also give some examples of mathematical discussions on FDPs, which would be of independent interest from mathematical viewpoints. Finally, we discuss possible directions of future research on other cryptographic applications of FDPs and on mathematical studies on FDPs themselves.
_ 気になった論文:"Two grumpy giants and a baby"(Daniel J. Bernstein and Tanja Lange, IACR ePrint 2012/294)
Pollard's rho algorithm, along with parallelized, vectorized, and negating variants, is the standard method to compute discrete logarithms in generic prime-order groups. This paper presents two reasons that Pollard's rho algorithm is farther from optimality than generally believed. First, ``higher-degree local anti-collisions'' make the rho walk less random than the predictions made by the conventional Brent--Pollard heuristic. Second, even a truly random walk is suboptimal, because it suffers from ``global anti-collisions'' that can at least partially be avoided. For example, after (1.5+o(1))\sqrt(l) additions in a group of order l (without fast negation), the baby-step-giant-step method has probability 0.5625+o(1) of finding a uniform random discrete logarithm; a truly random walk would have probability 0.6753\ldots+o(1); and this paper's new two-grumpy-giants-and-a-baby method has probability 0.71875+o(1).
前回は関東から九州まで高校生から社会人、現役の数学研究者まで、 分野を問わず、数学科はもとより医学部や文学部の方まで参加して頂きました。
_ (6/12記:この頃は身体の冷えを防ぐために極力温かい飲み物を飲むようにしているのだが、暑くなるにつれて自動販売機の品ぞろえが冷たい飲み物一辺倒に変わってきている。冷たい飲み物を増やすのはよいのだが、温かい飲み物も少しぐらい残るといいのになぁ。)
_ プレプリント確認状況:arXiv:math 2月23日分まで、IACR ePrint 2012/331まで
_ 気になった論文:The Discrete Logarithm Problem in non-representable rings
(Matan Banin and Boaz Tsaban, IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive 2012/320)
Bergman's Ring $E_p$, parameterized by a prime number $p$, is a ring with $p^5$ elements that cannot be embedded in a ring of matrices over any commutative ring. This ring was discovered in 1974. In 2011, Climent, Navarro and Tortosa described an efficient implementation of $E_p$ using simple modular arithmetic, and suggested that this ring may be a useful source for intractable cryptographic problems.
We present a deterministic polynomial time reduction of the Discrete Logarithm Problem in $E_p$ to the classical Discrete Logarithm Problem in $\Zp$, the $p$-element field. In particular, the Discrete Logarithm Problem in $E_p$ can be solved, by conventional computers, in sub-exponential time.
Along the way, we collect a number of useful basic reductions for the toolbox of discrete logarithm solvers.
何かに使いでがあるのかはわからないが、Bergman's Ringというものは初めて知った。
_ (6/30記:名古屋名物(?)小倉あんトーストに初挑戦してみたのだが、よく考えるとパンと餡子というのはあんパンの構成要素と同じであるわけで、食べた瞬間「ああ、これは包まれていないあんパンではないか」と気が付いて少々拍子抜けした。)