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_ プレプリント確認状況:arXiv:math 2012年2月23日分まで、arXiv:quant-ph 2012年5月31日分まで、IACR ePrint:2012/261まで

_ 気になった論文その1:"The Linux Psedorandom Number Generator Revisited"(Patrick Lacharme and Andrea Röck and Vincent Strubel and Marion Videau, IACR ePrint 2012/251

The Linux pseudorandom number generator (PRNG) is a PRNG with entropy inputs which is widely used in many security related applications and protocols. This PRNG is written as an open source code which is subject to regular changes. It was last analyzed in the work of Gutterman et al. in 2006 [GPR06] but since then no new analysis has been made available, while in the meantime several changes have been applied to the code, among others, to counter the attacks presented [GPR06]. Our work describes the Linux PRNG of kernel versions and upwards. We detail the PRNG architecture in the Linux system and provide its first accurate mathematical description and a precise analysis of the building blocks, including entropy estimation and extraction. Subsequently, we give a security analysis including the feasibility of cryptographic attacks and an empirical test of the entropy estimator.. Finally, we underline some important changes to the previous versions and their consequences.

_ 気になった論文その2:"Fair Private Set Intersection with a Semi-trusted Arbiter"(Changyu Dong and Liqun Chen and Jan Camenisch and Giovanni Russello, IACR ePrint 2012/252

A private set intersection (PSI) protocol allows two parties to compute the intersection of their input sets privately. Most of the previous PSI protocols only output the result to one party and the other party gets nothing from running the protocols. However, a mutual PSI protocol in which both parties can get the output is highly desirable in many applications. A major obstacle in designing a mutual PSI protocol is how to ensure fairness. In this paper we present the first fair mutual PSI protocol which is efficient and secure. Fairness of the protocol is obtained in an optimistic fashion, i.e. by using an offline third party arbiter. In contrast to many optimistic protocols which require a fully trusted arbiter, in our protocol the arbiter is only required to be semi-trusted, in the sense that we consider it to be a potential threat to both parties' privacy but believe it will follow the protocol and not collude with any of the two parties. The arbiter can resolve disputes blindly without knowing any private information belongs to the two parties. This feature is appealing for a PSI protocol in which privacy may be of ultimate importance.

トップ «前の日記(2012-05-09) 最新 次の日記(2012-05-11)» 編集


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