トップ «前の日記(2012-08-13) 最新 次の日記(2012-08-15)» 編集




_ プレプリント確認状況:arXiv:math 3月6日分まで、IACR ePrint 2012/463まで

_ 気になった論文1:An Undecidable Nested Recurrence Relation (Marcel Celaya, Frank Ruskey, arXiv:1203.0586)

Roughly speaking, a recurrence relation is nested if it contains a subexpression of the form ... A(...A(...)...). Many nested recurrence relations occur in the literature, and determining their behavior seems to be quite difficult and highly dependent on their initial conditions. A nested recurrence relation A(n) is said to be undecidable if the following problem is undecidable: given a finite set of initial conditions for A(n), is the recurrence relation calculable? Here calculable means that for every n >= 0, either A(n) is an initial condition or the calculation of A(n) involves only invocations of A on arguments in {0,1,...,n-1}. We show that the recurrence relation A(n) = A(n-4-A(A(n-4)))+4A(A(n-4)) +A(2A(n-4-A(n-2))+A(n-2)). is undecidable by showing how it can be used, together with carefully chosen initial conditions, to simulate Post 2-tag systems, a known Turing complete problem.

_ 気になった論文2:Computing small discrete logarithms faster (Daniel J. Bernstein and Tanja Lange, IACR ePrint Archive 2012/458)

Computations of small discrete logarithms are feasible even in "secure" groups, and are used as subroutines in several cryptographic protocols in the literature. For example, the Boneh--Goh--Nissim degree-2-homomorphic public-key encryption system uses generic square-root discrete-logarithm methods for decryption. This paper shows how to use a small group-specific table to accelerate these subroutines. The cost of setting up the table grows with the table size, but the acceleration also grows with the table size. This paper shows experimentally that computing a discrete logarithm in an interval of order l takes only 1.93*l^{1/3} multiplications on average using a table of size l^{1/3} precomputed with 1.21*l^{2/3} multiplications, and computing a discrete logarithm in a group of order l takes only 1.77*l^{1/3} multiplications on average using a table of size l^{1/3} precomputed with 1.24*l^{2/3} multiplications.

トップ «前の日記(2012-08-13) 最新 次の日記(2012-08-15)» 編集


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