_ プレプリント確認状況:arXiv:math 8月5日分まで、IACR ePrint 2012/551まで
_ 気になった論文1:A Clifford algebraic framework for Coxeter group theoretic computations
(Pierre-Philippe Dechant, arXiv:1207.5005)
Real physical systems with reflective and rotational symmetries such as viruses, fullerenes and quasicrystals have recently been modeled successfully in terms of three-dimensional (affine) Coxeter groups. Motivated by this progress, we explore here the benefits of performing the relevant computations in a Geometric Algebra framework, which is particularly suited to describing reflections. Starting from the Coxeter generators of the reflections, we describe how the relevant chiral (rotational), full (Coxeter) and binary polyhedral groups can be easily generated and treated in a unified way in a versor formalism. In particular, this yields a simple construction of the binary polyhedral groups as discrete spinor groups. These in turn are known to generate Lie and Coxeter groups in dimension four, notably the exceptional groups D_4, F_4 and H_4. A Clifford algebra approach thus reveals an unexpected connection between Coxeter groups of ranks 3 and 4. We finally discuss how to extend these considerations and computations to the Conformal Geometric Algebra setup.
_ 気になった論文2:Zorn's Lemma- An elementary proof under the Axiom of Choice
(Arjun Jain, arXiv:1207.6698)
This article presents an elementary proof of Zorn's Lemma under the Axiom of Choice, simplifying and supplying necessary details in the original proof by Paul R. Halmos in his book, Naive Set Theory. Also provided, is a preamble to Zorn's Lemma, introducing the reader to a brief history of this important maximal principle.
_ 気になった論文3:A 60,000 digit prime number of the form $x^{2} + x + 41$
(Justin DeBenedetto, Jeremy Rouse, arXiv:1207.7291)
Motivated by Euler's observation that the polynomial $x^{2} + x + 41$ takes on prime values for $0 \leq x \leq 39$, we search for large values of $x$ for which $N = x^{2} + x + 41$ is prime. To apply classical primality proving results based on the factorization of $N-1$, we choose $x$ to have the form $g(y)$, chosen so that $g(y)^{2} + g(y) + 40$ is reducible. Our main result is an explicit, 60,000 digit prime number of the form $x^{2} + x + 41$.
_ とある事情で、オセロの学生チャンピオン(だったかな)にして日本ランカーの某氏とお手合わせする機会があったので胸をお借りしてみた。私が現場に行く前から「挑戦者側はパーフェクト負けを逃れれば勝ち」という変則ルールで遊んでいたらしく、私もその流れで。といっても、トップクラスの選手と打てる機会なんてそうそうあるものではないので、強さを肌で感じるためにも、私の側は変則ルールのことは忘れて、無謀にも勝利を目指して大真面目に打ってみた。(まぁ、「全駒だけは逃れよう」と目標設定したところでどうすれば有利になるのかわからないから、どのみち普通に打つしかないのだが。)