_ プレプリント確認状況:arXiv:math 9月16日分まで、IACR ePrint 2012/560まで
_ 気になった論文1:Nonassociative Ramsey Theory and the amenability of Thompson's group
(Justin Tatch Moore, arXiv:1209.2063)
The purpose of this article is prove that Thompson's group F is amenable. The methods developed will then be used to prove a generalization of Hindman's theorem for the free nonassociative binary system on one generator.
_ 気になった論文2:An entropic partial order on a parabolic quotient of S6
(Gary McConnell, arXiv:1209.2674)
Let m and n be any integers with n>m>=2. Using just the entropy function it is possible to define a partial order on S_mn (the symmetric group on mn letters) modulo a subgroup isomorphic to S_m x S_n. We explore this partial order in the case m=2, n=3, where thanks to the outer automorphism the quotient space is actually isomorphic to a parabolic quotient of S_6. Furthermore we show that in this case it has a fairly simple algebraic description in terms of elements of the group ring.