_ IACR ePrint 2014/460まで確認済み、ECCC 2003年分まで確認済み
_ 気になった論文:Automated Analysis of Cryptographic Assumptions in Generic Group Models
, Gilles Barthe and Edvard Fagerholm and Dario Fiore and John Mitchell and Andre Scedrov and Benedikt Schmidt, http://eprint.iacr.org/2014/458
We initiate the study of principled, automated, methods for analyzing hardness assumptions in generic group models, following the approach of symbolic cryptography. We start by defining a broad class of generic and symbolic group models for different settings---symmetric or asymmetric (leveled) k-linear groups---and by proving "computational soundness" theorems for the symbolic models.
Based on this result, we formulate a very general master theorem that formally relates the hardness of a (possibly interactive) assumption in these models to solving problems in polynomial algebra. Then, we systematically analyze these problems. We identify different classes of assumptions and obtain decidability and undecidability results.
Then, we develop and implement automated procedures for verifying the conditions of master theorems, and thus the validity of hardness assumptions in generic group models. The concrete outcome of this work is an automated tool which takes as input the statement of an assumption, and outputs either a proof of its generic hardness or shows an algebraic attack against the assumption.