_ 海外出張11日目。いよいよ帰国なのだが、ただでさえ長期間ゆえに着替えが多めなのに、二つの会議が両方ともカバンやらパンフレットやら何やら多めに物をくれたこともあって、過去に記憶にないほど荷詰めに苦労した。これ持って帰るのか…
_ IACR ePrint 2015/393まで確認済み、ECCC 2003年分まで確認済み
_ 気になった論文1:Arithmetic Cryptography
, Benny Applebaum and Jonathan Avron and Christina Brzuska, http://eprint.iacr.org/2015/336
We study the possibility of computing cryptographic primitives in a fully-black-box arithmetic model over a finite field $\F$. In this model, the input to a cryptographic primitive (e.g., encryption scheme) is given as a sequence of field elements, the honest parties are implemented by arithmetic circuits which make only a black-box use of the underlying field, and the adversary has a full (non-black-box) access to the field. This model captures many standard information-theoretic constructions.
We prove several positive and negative results in this model for various cryptographic tasks. On the positive side, we show that, under reasonable assumptions, computational primitives like commitment schemes, public-key encryption, oblivious transfer, and general secure two-party computation can be implemented in this model. On the negative side, we prove that garbled circuits, multiplicative-homomorphic encryption, and secure computation with low online complexity cannot be achieved in this model. Our results reveal a qualitative difference between the standard Boolean model and the arithmetic model, and explain, in retrospect, some of the limitations of previous constructions.
_ 気になった論文2:Limits on the Power of Indistinguishability Obfuscation and Functional Encryption
, Gilad Asharov and Gil Segev, http://eprint.iacr.org/2015/341
Recent breakthroughs in cryptography have positioned indistinguishability obfuscation as a ``central hub'' for almost all known cryptographic tasks, and as an extremely powerful building block for new cryptographic tasks resolving long-standing and foundational open problems. In this paper we prove the first negative results on the power of indistinguishability obfuscation and of the tightly related notion of functional encryption. Our results are as follows:
-- There is no fully black-box construction with a polynomial security loss of a collision-resistant function family from a general-purpose indistinguishability obfuscator.
-- There is no fully black-box construction with a polynomial security loss of a key-agreement protocol with perfect completeness from a general-purpose private-key functional encryption scheme.
-- There is no fully black-box construction with a polynomial security loss of an indistinguishability obfuscator for oracle-aided circuits from a private-key functional encryption scheme for oracle-aided circuits.
Specifically, we prove that any such potential construction must suffer from at least a sub-exponential security loss. Our results are obtained within a subtle framework capturing constructions that may rely on a wide variety of primitives in a non-black-box manner (e.g., obfuscating or generating a functional key for a function that uses the evaluation circuit of a puncturable pseudorandom function), and we only assume that the underlying indistinguishability obfuscator or functional encryption scheme themselves are used in a black-box manner.
_ 気になった論文3:Matrix Computational Assumptions in Multilinear Groups
, Paz Morillo and Carla Ràfols and Jorge L. Villar, http://eprint.iacr.org/2015/353
We put forward a new family of computational assumptions, the Kernel Matrix Diffie-Hellman Assumption. This family abstracts and includes as a special case several assumptions used in the literature under different names. Given some matrix $\matrA$ sampled from some distribution $\mathcal{D}_{\ell,k}$, the kernel assumption says that it is hard to find ``in the exponent'' a nonzero vector in the kernel of $\mathbf{A}^\top$. Our assumption is the natural computational analogue of the Matrix Decisional Diffie-Hellman Assumption (MDDH), proposed by Escala \textit{et al}.
We show that the $\mathcal{D}_{\ell,k}$ Kernel DH Assumption is a strictly increasing family of weaker computational assumptions when $k$ grows. This requires ruling out the existence of some black-box reductions between flexible problems (\textit{i.e.}, computational problems with a non unique solution), which is specially subtle. As opposed to the decisional MDDH Assumption, our kernel assumption might hold in the recent candidate multilinear groups.
Kernel assumptions have implicitly been used in recent works on QA-NIZK and structure-preserving signatures. We also provide a new construction of commitments to group elements in the multilinear setting, based on any kernel assumption.
_ 気になった論文4:On Non-Black-Box Simulation and the Impossibility of Approximate Obfuscation
, Nir Bitansky and Omer Paneth, http://eprint.iacr.org/2015/369
The introduction of a non-black-box simulation technique by Barak (FOCS 2001) has been a major landmark in cryptography, breaking the previous barriers of black-box impossibility. Barak's technique has given rise to various powerful applications and it is a key component in all known protocols with non-black-box simulation.
We present the first non-black-box simulation technique that does not rely on Barak's technique (or on nonstandard assumptions). Invoking this technique, we obtain new and improved protocols resilient to various resetting attacks. These improvements include weaker computational assumptions and better round complexity.
A prominent feature of our technique is its compatibility with rewinding techniques from classic black-box zero-knowledge protocols. The combination of rewinding with non-black-box simulation has proven instrumental in coping with challenging goals as: simultaneously-resettable zero-knowledge, proofs of knowledge, and resettable-security from one-way functions. While previous works required tailored modifications to Barak's technique, we give a general recipe for combining our technique with rewinding. This yields simplified resettable protocols in the above settings, as well as improvements in round complexity and required computational assumptions.
The main ingredient in our technique is a new impossibility result for general program obfuscation. The results extend the impossibility result of Barak et al. (CRYPTO 2001) to the case of obfuscation with approximate functionality; thus, settling a question left open by Barak et al.. In the converse direction, we show a generic transformation from any resettably-sound zero-knowledge protocol to a family of functions that cannot be obfuscated.
_ 気になった論文5:Dual System Encryption Framework in Prime-Order Groups
, Nuttapong Attrapadung, http://eprint.iacr.org/2015/390
We propose a new generic framework for achieving fully secure attribute based encryption (ABE) in prime-order bilinear groups. It is generic in the sense that it can be applied to ABE for arbitrary predicate. All previously available frameworks that are generic in this sense are given only in composite-order bilinear groups. These consist of the frameworks proposed by Wee (TCC'14) and Attrapadung (Eurocrypt'14). Both frameworks provide abstractions of dual-system encryption techniques introduced by Waters (Crypto'09). Our framework can be considered as a prime-order version of Attrapadung's framework and works in a similar manner: it relies on a main component called pair encodings, and it generically compiles any secure pair encoding scheme for a predicate in consideration to a fully secure ABE scheme for that predicate. One feature of our new compiler is that although the resulting ABE schemes will be newly defined in prime-order groups, we require essentially the same security notions of pair encodings as before. Beside the security of pair encodings, our framework assumes only the Matrix Diffie-Hellman assumption, introduced by Escala et al. (Crypto'13), which is a weak assumption that includes the Decisional Linear assumption as a special case.(ステマ)
As for its applications, we can plug in available pair encoding schemes and automatically obtain the first fully secure ABE realizations in prime-order groups for predicates of which only fully secure schemes in composite-order groups were known. These include ABE for regular languages, ABE for monotone span programs (and hence Boolean formulae) with short ciphertexts or keys, and completely unbounded ABE for monotone span programs.
As a side result, we establish the first generic implication from ABE for monotone span programs to ABE for branching programs. Consequently, we obtain fully-secure ABE for branching programs in some new variants, namely, unbounded, short-ciphertext, and short-key variants. Previous ABE schemes for branching programs are bounded and require linear-size ciphertexts and keys.